Industry | Chemical

Batch Process SOP Digitization gives complete visibility, transparency and accountability


Maharashtra, India




Cloud Platform
Web Dashboards
Digital SOP record
Dedicated Mobile Apps
Permit System

Industry | Chemical

Batch Process SOP Digitization gives complete visibility, transparency and accountability

Typical batch processes have detailed SOPs that have a combination of automated and at times manual steps.

Clients typically face an issue, that despite large degree of automation, there are problems with variations in batch cycle times, product quality, and operational efficiency. There are instances where incorrect quantities of raw materials or at times incorrect sequence of raw materials leads to process variations.

At times it might be difficult to identify the root cause due to lack of visibility in the detailed steps of the process. Typically, most of the analysis is a ‘post-mortem’ analysis after an error had occurred rather than an in-process alert after a process deviation.


Maharashtra, India




Cloud Platform
Web Dashboards
Digital SOP record
Dedicated Mobile Apps
Permit System

Analysing the batch does not become feasible if the reports are in different formats such as time-reports from automation systems, manual log sheets, shift reports, etc. Moreover, there is no guarantee of the accuracy of manual reports.

Microverse translated the entire Batch SOP into a digital format through the Batch Management too. This allowed the client the flexibility to write SOPs without requiring any coding or programming. Each recipe can then be assigned to an equipment. This allows execution of simultaneous products across multiple equipments.

Each step of the SOP is recorded in the automated batch report along with the time of occurrence, time of completion, and state of the various process parameters and set-points during the step. Any time deviation is also recorded at the step.

Further digitization includes making the plant process parameters available on mobile apps and web-dashboards. This gives complete transparency and accountability of the process owners.

Depending on the access level of login, relevant information is shown on a need-to-know basis.

All batch reports, trends, historical data is also made available on these portals.

With easy access of the information and more importantly showing the right information to the right people, significant improvements were made. These improvements resulted in better operational efficiency, safety, and improved product quality.